Surveys you need before breaking ground on a commercial building

When embarking on a commercial construction project, you must have all the information about the land and property. Surveys play an important role in providing accurate data that can guide your building plans and help you avoid potential issues down the line.

There are several different types of surveys available for commercial buildings. Most of these surveys provide different information. Based on your construction needs, you may need more than one report.

ALTA/NSPS land title survey

An ALTA/NSPS land title survey provides comprehensive information about a property’s boundaries, improvements and any encumbrances. It follows strict standards set by professional surveying organizations and is often required for commercial real estate transactions. This report ensures that you clearly understand the property’s legal status and any potential issues that may affect your project.

Topographic survey

A topographic survey identifies the terrain and features of your land. It maps out the natural and man-made elements of the site, such as elevation changes, water bodies and existing structures. This information is important when designing your facility and identifying potential obstacles or hazards.

Environmental survey

An environmental survey can identify any potential hazards, such as contamination or wetlands, that may impact your project. This helps you comply with environmental regulations and mitigate any adverse effects on the surrounding area.

Geotechnical survey

A geotechnical survey evaluates the soil and subsurface conditions of your site. It provides data about the soil’s strength, stability and bearing capacity, which is necessary for designing foundations and determining construction methods.

Starting a commercial construction project requires thorough planning and preparation. These surveys provide valuable data that can guide the process. By investing in the right surveys upfront, you can avoid costly delays and disputes and set the stage for a successful enterprise.

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